SCV California Division Members can now make payments
for events and other items to the Division's PayPal Account.
(Your individual membership dues should still be paid to your Camp Adjutant)
Once your payment is confirmed please e-mail the Division Adjutant by clicking here.
Please let him know your name, camp number and what your payment was for.
You may also consider to support the SCV California Division’s Mission.
The SCV California Division's continuing mission is to preserve the history and protect the honor and memory of our Confederate Soldier ancestors.
But, we need your help. Please consider donating to our Heritage Defense Fund today. Time is of the essence as we see our flags, our monuments, and our historical sights attacked on a daily basis by those that have much more funding and undue influence with local government. Please consider donating now by clicking the DONATE NOW button above.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is a 501(c) (3) tax- exempt corporation recognized by the United States government as a veterans’ advocacy group. We are strictly patriotic, historical, educational, fraternal, benevolent, non-political, non-racial, & non-sectarian organization.